phpMyAdmin is a freeware tool written in PHP that handles the administration of MySQL over the Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations on MySQL and MariaDB. Commonly used operations (managing databases, tables, columns, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc.) can be performed through the user interface, while you still have the ability to execute any SQL statement directly.
FlashVPS also supports installing phpMyAdmin, so you can manage the database from anywhere.
If you have not done so, you should create a new database and database user. This is used by phpMyAdmin to store the configuration of your database and users.
Once FlashVPS has phpMyAdmin installed, you can then log into your installation using any combination of your database username and password.
Note: Currently php8.1 is new, so installing phpMyAdmin on this version still has some errors. Select version php8.0 or lower instead.
Server Settings : Available Server Connections . You can install MySQL or MariaDB
Create a website : At the server information interface, select Tạo trang web mới
Fill in website information and select
Tạo trang web
Install phpMyAdmin : You go to the site management panel.
Then select the option to install the phpMyAdmin source code
SelectCài đặt phpMyAdmin
FlashVPS will install it for you, The installation process will take 1-2 minutes. Then you just need to access the website and if you see the interface as shown below, it is successful. You enter the username and password that FlashVPS sent you via email when you created the server. Or you can also go to the Cơ sở dữ liệu
> tab and create a new username and password.
After successful login, the interface will look like this:
Kích thước file tải lên tối đa
(MB)thời gian thực thi
At the main interface, you choose Database
> nhập tên csdl
and collection
In the left sidebar you select the database name, then at the bottom Create Table
you enter tên bảng
and số cột
for the table and select Go
You fill in the information for the table such as column name, data type, length/value, default value, nullable, ... then select
After Select
we have the following table structure.
At the table to add, you select the tab Insert
in the upper navigation bar > Điền thông tin
> Go
Success message
You select the tab
to see a list of existing records
There are 2 types of output files:
: You select a database and select the tab Export
> Chọn kiểu cần format: SQL, CSV, Excel,...
Xuất bảng
: You select a table and select tab Export
> Chọn kiểu cần format: SQL, CSV, Excel,...
> Rows
There are 2 types of Import files:
: You select a database and select the tab Import
> Chọn file cần import.
Nhập bảng
: You select a database and select the tab Import
> Chọn file cần import.
Note : Here you need to note the place (Max: 2,048KB) . This is the maximum file size that can be uploaded by default. If your file is larger in size, you need to update the size according to the instructions here . Then go back to phpMyAdmin and do File Import as usual
There are also two types of authorization:
Phân quyền cho CSDL
: Select Database > select tab Privileges
>Add user account
Phân quyền cho bảng
: Select the table > select the tab Privileges
> Add user account