

  • 2023-01-22 11:26:50


When installing a new FlashVPS server, you can choose to install a database server. You can then use the FlashVPS Dashboard page to manage databases, users, and permissions.

Create a server with a database

Create a server with the following database:

  1. You go to Connect New Server
  2. At the server creation screen you fill in the server information > Then select 1 database ( MySQL | MariaDB ) > Select Add serverDatabases 0

Then, FlashVPS will automatically install the server with the selected database and create a database user flashvps, the user password is randomly generated. The database username and password will be sent to your email when the server is successfully created.

Install the following Database

If you later decide that you need to install the database on your server, you can install it through Ứng dụngthe server's tab. Once installed, you will be able to manage your database through FlashVPS.

Database Management

For servers running MySQL, MariaDB FlashVPS offers a number of advanced features that allow you to manage your databases and database users with ease. We will discuss these features below

Create Database

You can create new databases through the Databases tab of the server in FlashVPS. At a minimum, you must provide the name of your new database. Users can access the database.

  1. At tabCơ sở dữ liệu

    Databases 1
  2. Select Tạo Cơ sở dữ liệuand enter the name of the database you want to create and select the users who can access the database ( Optional ).

    Databases 2

  3. SelectLưu

Create Database User

You can create additional database users through Cơ sở dữ liệuthe FlashVPS dashboard tab. To do so, you need to provide a minimum of username and password.

  1. At tabCơ sở dữ liệu

    Databases 3
  2. Select Tạo người dùng cơ sở dữ liệuand enter the username, password, access range, database you want to access

    Databases 4

  3. SelectLưu

Database Synchronization

Author FlashPanel Admin
FlashPanel Admin
Joined in 3 years ago