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Deploy SerpBear

  1. Install the docker application in the server's applications tab

  2. Create a proxy website port to port 4444 (this port is up to you to decide)

create website deploy SerpBear

Proceed with SSL installation for this website

  1. Open the file manager for the server (not the site)

Proceed to create the file serpbear/docker-compose.yaml

create docker-compose.yaml file

  1. Open the newly created docker-compose.yaml file

open docker-compose.yaml file

  1. Enter content for the docker-compose.yaml file
version: "3.8"

        image: towfiqi/serpbear
        restart: unless-stopped
            - 4444:3000
            - USER=admin
            - PASSWORD=0123456789
            - SECRET=4715aed3216f7b0a38e6b534a958362654e96d10fbc04700770d572af3dce43625dd
            - APIKEY=5saedXklbslhnapihe2pihp3pih4fdnakhjwq5
            - SESSION_DURATION=24
            - NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL=
            - serpbear_appdata:/app/data
        driver: bridge

Note for configuring the following colored lines:

  • 4444:3000: 3000 is fixed and you should not change it, 4444 is the port of the serpbear website that you decided to create in step 2
  • USER: The username you want to use to log in to the application. for example: admin
  • PASSWORD: The password you want to use to log in to the application. For example: 0123456789
  • SECRET: The secret key will be used to encrypt 3rd party API keys and passwords. e.g. 4715aed3216f7b0a38e6b534a958362654e96d10fbc04700770d572af3dce43625dd
  • APIKEY: The API key that will be used to access the application's API. for example: 5saedXklbslhnapihe2pihp3pih4fdnakhjwq5
  • SESSION_DUration: Duration (in hours) of the user's login session. e.g. 24
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL: The URL where your app is stored and accessible. for example: or
  1. Launch the application

run serpbear

Open the terminal server and run the following command:

cd /root/serpbear
docker compose up -d
  1. Restart the container (If file serpbear/docker-compose.yaml has been edited)

Open the terminal server and run the following command:

docker ps

You will now see a list of running containers.

Find a line with serpbear information and get the container ID of that line.

Run the docker restart command to reload new information

docker restart container_id