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Deploy ASP.NET website

Website configuration

Suppose you have an ASP.NET website that you want to run under the domain

  1. Go to application store, install the ASP.NET application

  2. Create a website with the following configuration

    • Enter domain
    • Select Proxy Port
    • Enter the port your ASP.NET application runs on, for example 3000
  3. Install the source code for the website from git or upload it yourself

  4. Update Database & Build & Publish

    Open the terminal for the website

    dotnet ef database update
    dotnet build
    dotnet publish
  5. Create Service for website

    Use the Service management feature to create a service

    Create a service named domain_com (you can put domain_com or whatever you want, but note that it is short, easy to remember, no special characters)

    You can refer to the content of domain_com below

    Description=ASP.NET -
    WorkingDirectory=/home/flashvps/ // [!code focus]
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/dotnet /home/flashvps/ --urls "" // [!code focus ]
    SyslogIdentifier=domain_com // [!code focus]
    User=flashvps // [!code focus]


    • Change 3000 to the proxy port you declared when creating the website before
    • Please change to the domain name corresponding to your website
    • flashvps is the user that the website is running on, please replace flashvps with the user that the website is running on (be careful not to set it as root)
    • bin/Debug/netcoreapp8.0/publish/domain_com.dll is the path to the dll file that dotnet publish creates
    • Linux has a case-sensitive file system. Setting ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT to Production will result in searching for the configuration file appsettings.Production.json, not appssettings.production.json.
    • The colon separator (😃 is not supported in environment variable names. Use double underscores (__) instead of colons. The system will convert double underscores to colons when environment variables are read into the configuration. In the following example, the connection string key ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection is placed in the service definition file as ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection
      Environment=ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection={Connection String}

Visit the website to see the successful results!