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Deploy Python/Flask App

Install Python, pip and other necessary packages

Open the terminal for the root user, run the command to install Python venv, only run once if this is your first time Deploy Python/Flask App

sudo apt install python3-venv -y

Create website

Let's say your python application runs on port 1406

Point the website DNS to the server and install SSL

Create virtual environment

Open the terminal for the site, run the command to set up a virtual environment and activate it:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install application dependencies

If you have a requirements.txt file in the source code, use the command below, otherwise install the packages manually

pip install -r requirements.txt

Use Gunicorn to deploy

Reasons to use gunicorn

Gunicorn (Green Unicorn) is a WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) HTTP server for Python applications. It is designed to serve Python web applications in production environments, providing better concurrency and load management than just using Flask's built-in server.

Install gunicorn

pip install gunicorn

Test Your Application

Run your application to make sure it works:

gunicorn --bind app:app

In the command gunicorn --bind app:app, the app:app part means:

  1. Application file name: The part before the colon (:) is the name of the Python file containing your Flask application. In this case, the Python file is
  2. Application object name: The part after the colon (:) is the name of the Flask application object in that Python file. In this case, the application object is app.

Combined, app:app tells Gunicorn that:

  • Find the file.
  • In the file, find the Flask object named app.

Gunicorn will:

  1. Open the file.
  2. Find the Flask object defined as app.
  3. Run the Flask application using Gunicorn, listening on all IP addresses ( on port 1406.

Set up Systemd service

Use the Systemd Service management feature to run gunicorn without having to hold a terminal.

Reference configuration is as follows:

[Unit] web application

ExecStart=gunicorn --workers 3 --bind app:app



  1. You should change /home/flashvps/ to the path to your respective website directory.

  2. --workers 3: This option specifies the number of worker processes Gunicorn will use. Here, it is configured to use 3 worker processes. Worker processes help Gunicorn handle multiple requests simultaneously, improving application performance.

  3. --bind This option specifies the IP address and port on which Gunicorn will listen. means listen on all server IP addresses, and 1406 is the port that will be used. This allows the application to be accessible from any IP address on port 1406.

Your Python application will now be deployed and accessible through your server's IP address or domain.