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Access MySQL remotely

In reality, you want to access MySQL | MariaDB from your computer to the server, or that server is Remote Database for everyone to use,...

Method 1: Open port 3306 (not safe 👀)

Opening database port 3306 is the fastest way to make a connection to the remote database, however this is the least secure way, because now port 3306 is public, anyone can access this port to test. Password detector, if you set a weak password, it will be easily attacked.

To open port 3306, see instructions for using Firewall Rule

First you need to do create SSH Key and [add SSH Key to the server](../knowledge/ add-ssh-key-into-machine-chu)

Instructions for using HeidiSQL

  1. Database configuration

    1. Click New to create a new Session
    2. Enter notes for this Session
    3. Select Network type: MariaDB or MySQL (SSH Tunnel)
    4. IP: absolutely must be
    5. User: is the [database] user name (../server/
    6. Password: is the database user password
  2. Configure SSH Tunnel

    1. Select the SSH Tunnel tab
    2. Check the Use SSH Tunnel box
    3. Select ssh.exe
    4. SSH Host + Port: enter server IP and SSH port
    5. Username: is the Linux system username that we choose when adding the SSH Key
    6. Private key file: is the key added in step add SSH Key to server note: select private key is PuTTY (.ppk)

Instructions for using TablePlus

After New Connection we configure as follows

  1. host: must absolutely be
  2. tag: set production (optional)
  3. user: this is the database user name
  4. password: this is the database user's password
  5. Choose to connect via SSH
  6. Server: your server ip
  7. Port: is the SSH port
  8. Username: is the Linux system username that we choose when adding the SSH Key
  9. Check Use SSH Key
  10. Select Private Key